Shield Security PRO hipaa compliance wordpress Feature Graphic
September 19, 2024 by Paul G. | Security, WordPress Solutions

Protect Your Practice: How to Ensure HIPAA Compliance on WordPress

Learn how to work towards HIPAA compliance on your website with Convesio and Shield Security PRO. Protect patient data, avoid fines, and boost overall security.

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September 16, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#32: LearnPress, Bit File & Other Severe Risks & WordPress Credentials Recovery Guide

A few big vulnerabilities were published in the last week, with LearnPress and Bit File having the most severe. We’ve written a helpful blog article about securing default WordPress credentials and recovering access.

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Shield Security Pro Logo
September 12, 2024 by Paul G.

Shield Security Moving To Minimum PHP 7.4

Shield Security plugin for WordPress will switch to a minimum supported PHP version of 7.4 with Shield v20.1. Previously it was PHP 7.2.

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Shield Security PRO wordpress multisite backup Feature Graphic
September 11, 2024 by Paul G.

Shield Your Network: Top Multisite Backup Plugins for WordPress

Safeguard your WordPress multisite network with top backup plugins. Get expert insights on Shield Security PRO for security and restoration challenges.

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September 9, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#31: Recurring Lite Speed, Ninja Forms, & No-Fix Vulnerabilities

This week features major high-risk vulnerabilities in popular plugins, important WordPress security changes notice, alongside a guide to securely changing your database passwords (from our blog).

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Shield Security PRO default admin password for wordpress Feature Graphic
September 9, 2024 by Paul G.

Default WordPress Credentials: What You Need to Know

Struggling to log into WordPress? Learn the facts about default passwords and discover simple methods to reset your credentials quickly.

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September 2, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#30: Severe Risks, No-Fix Vulnerabilities & Tips for Theme Protection

We’re highlighting high risk plugins, 2 severe no-fix vulnerabilities, and tips on protecting your themes, from our blog.

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Shield Security PRO wordpress change password in database Feature Graphic
August 27, 2024 by Paul G.

How to Secure Your WordPress: Change Password in the Database

Locked out of WordPress with no email access? Learn how to regain control by changing your password directly in the database using phpMyAdmin or MySQL.

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August 26, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#29: Several Critical Vulnerabilities on Millions of Sites & Early Black Friday Webm

Several popular plugins have critical vulnerabilities - please apply patches ASAP. We also provide a WP updates guide on our blog, and a heads-up on a Black Friday webinar from our partner, Convesio.

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August 21, 2024 by Paul G.

ShieldNOTES Ep#28: Mid-Week Alert For Litespeed Cache Plugin

We don’t typically send mid-week ShieldNOTES, but this critical vulnerability in the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin (5+ million installs) can't wait.

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